Tuesday 8 January 2013

In the Technique of Homeopathy Treatment for Depression

Today every person is suffering from different types of mental and physical disorders due to changed life style. Physical disorders can be diagnosed easily and patient takes treatment accordingly as soon as possible, but there are no objective markers in case of mental diseases; so they cannot be diagnosed easily and if there are some symptoms, patient ignores them because he hesitates to consult a doctor about some psychiatric trouble and cause is feeling of inferiority complex. 

Mental diseases are classified as different types in medical science and there is one type known as MOOD DISORDERS. In this class there are 2 types – (1) Depression (2) Mania. There are so many patients of depression in the world and number is increasing rapidly, around 13 – 20% people of whole population are suffering from depression. Depression is mainly found in women, socially and economically poor people, divorcees etc. We will describe what is depression? , How it occurs? , What are symptoms and what is the treatment of depression?
Depression is a distressing condition, which leads to the feeling of inferiority complex, sadness, negative thinking, weakness etc. It affects the potential of a person. His behavior becomes negative for everything e.g. ignoring his cleanliness or dresses and sitting idle etc. If we look at patient’s face, we will notice his hanged lips or corners of mouth, wrinkles on his face and few streaks on his forehead, wide opened eyes without blinking eyelashes, stoop shoulders etc. His body movements become lessened or totally absent.

    Genetic causes – Incidence of depression is 20% higher in children of those parents who are suffering from severe depression. Physical causes – Sever and chronic diseases, incurable diseases such as cancer or heart problem may be the cause of depression. Predisposing or sudden causes – Failure in career, loss of money, disappointed love, adverse conditions etc.


    Dejection, sadness, irritation and negative thoughts, Feeling of worthlessness, Loss of weight or gain of weight (minimum 5% in a month), Insomnia or prolonged sleep, Loss of or absence of body movements, Tiredness, Absence of sexual desire, absence of concentration & Suicidal thoughts.

Homeopathy is the most suitable, rapid and cheapest treatment for depression (mental diseases). Homeopathy favors it that the cause of every disease is actually the mental disturbances. Homeopath can be the best psychiatrist and Homeopathy can be the best pathy for mental disorders. So I want to say that “A Homeopath can fail but Homeopathy never fails”. So here patient is more important than disease, that’s why many incurable diseases can be treated easily by Homeopathy. So in homeopathic treatment is not given to disease, but to the patient and for this Homeopathic doctor must have full information and adequate knowledge about patient. That’s the reason why Homeopathy is more effective in mental diseases.

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